PROJECT DESCRIPTION Budapest100 is a spring weekend festival celebrating 100-year old houses of Budapest and the people inhabiting them. Budapest100 Stories – 24 of 300 is a compilation of architectural and oral history and documentation of 24 houses: participants of the last seven years' festivals. The richly illustrated volumes were successfully crowdfunded and were printed with 7 different screenprinted covers (referencing the 7th year of Budapest100), so funders had the option to buy the book in their favourite colour. The 1000 copies printed were sold out in about 3 weeks. GRAPHIC DESIGN Ákos Polgárdi, SUBMACHINE PRINTING & BINDING Pauker Printing House TYPEFACES · Boogie School Sans, Ortype · Adieu, Good Type · Lettera Text, Lineto PAPER · Curious Skin, 270 gsm · Munken Lynx Rough, 120 gsm THANKS Juli Libárdi, Szilvia Gyulai